Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Wedding Planning has begun

Well, the planning is underway and we are already tired of it. Its been a long week but it looks like we have the photographer, bride, groom, and pastor. We are looking at a place this week.

We are so thankful God has put us together :) Looking at all the blessings the Lord has provided this holiday season has really humbled us. We are so thankful to have such loving, wonderful families. The school semester is finally over and we can relax. It has been nice coming home from work and not having anything to study for :) Must be nice to be graduated and have this feeling all the time.

God has really been teaching us how powerful He is. Over the last year we have watched God work in mighty ways. It is amazing how perfect hindsight can be. We can now see how God has worked small things together for His grand plan. What a blessing and encouragement it is to serve a God who is mighty, powerful, and able to change our lives.

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