Monday, April 19, 2010

What a busy weekend

Well this past weekend was Aggie Ring Weekend! We were so blessed to have our families here for the weekend. We got our rings Friday, dunked Saturday, and TJ was baptized on Sunday. We are so thankful for our fabulous families who gave up 3 days of their week to come support us.

The dunk was...interesting. I'm not sure who decided it was a good idea to chug an entire pitcher of gatorade but that is what we did. Needless to say we felt pretty sick after that. But TJ finished his pitcher of yellow gatorade in 54 seconds and Amanda finished her pitcher of blue gatorade in 60 seconds. And now they are both taking a break from gatorade for awhile. 
Only two weeks left before finals. Praise the Lord! Amanda is so ready to be finished with her last semester at A&M and TJ is ready to sleep :) TJ will start his summer internship with BP at the end of May and Amanda will begin her internship at KBTX in College Station. After last summer of being 8 hours apart, we are so thankful that God has put TJ closer to Amanda this year. Right now we are focused on "running the race worthy of our calling" Looking back over this school year, we are completely different people from August. The Lord has really convicted us in every area of our lives that we need to transform our minds, our words and our actions to match those of the Father's. From pursuing purity, to putting our best effort forth every week at school/work/relationships, God has really shown us what He expects from us. 
God has been alive and moving in our life. He has really just shown up over and over again providing in the craziest ways. At this point, He has given TJ a job this summer, provided Amanda with a full time job and internship, and has been working in our friend's lives to give them jobs/internships. God has just really been moving very quickly. But the Bible says we are to pray with expectation that the Lord will answer our prayers. What an amazing God we serve. 
258 days til the wedding. Which may seem like alot, but when we first got engaged it was over 400, so the Lord has blessed us in that time is still ticking down. We have started to realize how hard it will be when we get married to balance family time between the Whites and the Boudreauxs. But the Lord has provided thus far and will continue to bless us in the future. And for that, we are so thankful.


1 comment:

  1. I love the ring dunk pics! I wish we could've come. And that is wonderful about the jobs & internship! God is so good. I'm praying for you two!

