Monday, September 20, 2010

4 years?! No way!

Oh hello four year anniversary date. What a sweet blessing it was to spend all day Saturday with my sweet fiance. We went to Atamis and got to spend time watching movies and just relaxing together. Saturdays are my favorite days of the week. No school. No work. Just relaxing enjoying one another's company and fellowship with other believers. We were blessed to have Kristen come visit this weekend which is always such a blessing. My sweet man put up curtains all around my house this weekend so it is starting to look like someone actually lives there. Yes, Vanessa and I did move in almost two months ago but better late than never. Pictures to come once we are all finished making everything cute. Believe it or not we are almost to double digits until the wedding. On Thursday it will be 99 days until I am Mrs. White. Scary? YES! Exciting?! You know it!! Wedding plans are in full force as we figure out what we want for our ceremony, flowers and a bunch of other things we don't know we "need" yet. In our minds we have cake and a pastor so what else could you need? Haha! Jokes jokes. This semester is flying by as we are about to start our 4th week of the year, meaning....test week. dun dun dun. Only 2 more test weeks after this until I am a college graduate! Praise the Lord. I don't like tests. at all. I guess not many people do. But here is to a week of studying and preparation in order to excel in my last year. 

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