Wednesday, December 22, 2010

10 days.....10 days?!?!?!?!

Well time has for sure hit overdrive. Amanda is a graduate of Texas A&M University! WHOOP! TJ finished a ridiculously hard semester with a fantastic GPA thanks to the grace of God. No way we could have survived this semester if not for the grace of God. And now....Christmas in 3 days, wedding in 10.

Things engagement has revealed to me
1. I am selfish beyond belief. When we started planning this wedding, I had it set in stone that we would finish planning under budget, that our wedding would be small in College Station, that I would have a huge ball gown dress, and that we would serve breakfast for dinner. Obviously, things didn't pan out the way I expected.
2. I have a feeling of entitlement. This was revealed through the registry. Stupid, i know. But looking at friends who have a registry that is completely bought, made me feel like we deserved the things on the registry. After 4+ years of dating, waiting for marriage, not living together, being good kids and having good grades, it seems like we should have all the nice things that established married couples have. But the truth is, we deserve death for our sins. A cruel death on the cross that Jesus died for us. The fact that people have given to us out of the goodness of their hearts is something we are so thankful for.
3. I am NOT a patient person by nature. Some people walk out of the womb casually just spilling over with patient and that was not me. I'm sure I was the person in the womb looking at my watch asking when we could get this show on the road.

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