Monday, January 31, 2011

The groceries cost HOW MUCH?!

So all you married women, how do you feed this always hungry man that lives with you without going broke?! Seriously, I am amazed at what our food bill is each week. Since being in college I have tried to eat healthy and workout. TJ eats mass quantities of food, it does not matter the nutritional composition of the food, he just inhales it. So when I tried to feed him the same quantities of good food, we almost went broke during week one of our marriage.

Last night I was extremely frustrated after another $100 + grocery store trip, he patiently sat down and calculated how much we spend on snacks, breakfast, dinner, etc. Now I need inexpensive meals that will feed a 6 ft 3 in starving man. Suggestions?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Married Life

The blog I've been waiting to write. WE ARE MARRIED!!!

Marriage is a funny thing. I have three younger sisters and have never lived with a boy besides my daddy. Sooo this was kind of a culture shock. But I married the most gentle, servant hearted man I have ever met. Daily he blows me away with his patience and kindness.

 Examples: On Tuesday/Thursday he has class at 8am, so he gets up to shower and leaves the heater on so its nice and toasty when I get up. Next example; we had shrimp alfredo pasta one night and I looked over at his plate which is completely empty except for all the shrimp. He was saving them for my lunch the next day awwww :)

But marriage is for sure challenging. It took about 2 days to realize that there is a reason we need the Lord's strength to serve each other in marriage. What a blessing it is to serve and man that loves the Lord with all his heart. We have been working out alot since we got back from the honeymoon (where we ate 5 meals a day...LOVE all inclusive resorts) Melanie Davis got me hooked on TurboFire and now I cant stop.

We are signed up for the marriage class starting in a few weeks at Living Hope which will be so good as God continues to shape us into the husband and wife we should be. We are so fortunate to have a Godly body of believers who mentor us and hold us accountable. It is so fun to be in the newlywed group (which is quite large) at Living Hope.
