Monday, January 31, 2011

The groceries cost HOW MUCH?!

So all you married women, how do you feed this always hungry man that lives with you without going broke?! Seriously, I am amazed at what our food bill is each week. Since being in college I have tried to eat healthy and workout. TJ eats mass quantities of food, it does not matter the nutritional composition of the food, he just inhales it. So when I tried to feed him the same quantities of good food, we almost went broke during week one of our marriage.

Last night I was extremely frustrated after another $100 + grocery store trip, he patiently sat down and calculated how much we spend on snacks, breakfast, dinner, etc. Now I need inexpensive meals that will feed a 6 ft 3 in starving man. Suggestions?


  1. Pulled pork in the crock pot. I can feed 4, and still have leftovers for lunch the next day.


    I also add a little onion powder and garlic powder. Since it's in the crock pot, you can use a cheaper cut of meat, like a Boston Butt and it works fine. Tenderloins are more expensive.

  3. brian is the same way. he looks thin [he is!], but he can pack the food down! his metabolism is so high and constantly has to be fueled!

    first, i saw that you buy 'snacks'. what kind do you buy? most 'snacks' have like no substance and go right through you! its such a way to waste money. make a dense bread, or muffins to much on instead of spending money on junk snacks. or buy cheeses or stuff for rich smoothies [like chocolate peanut butter banana!].i have some dinner recipes that make lots of portions and are FILLING. let me know if you want them.

    i spend anywhere from $50-$70 a week on groceries, depending on the amount of meat i buy [which right now we are stocked]- and i consider us healthy eaters. are you going to the store with your entire menu planned out for the week? you have to, or you will spend a fortune. plan every meal for the week, as well as all your snacks and desserts. use the store fliers and plan your meals around the sales. go with a list, and DO NOT DEVIATE. i find it easier to shop WITHOUT brian- when he goes, he is always hungry and wants to buy everything that looks good. you can't do that, or your bill racks up. brian has gotten way better and has learned that he cannot pick out food there, so he goes with me sometimes now. but in the beginning, i never went with him.

    let me know if you need help! i know it's stressful, but you'll get the hang of it!


  4. Karen- Thanks! looks delicious!

    Whitney- we get granola bars, pb crackers etc for snacks. and YES please ANY recipies you have I would love!!! We have been spending at least double what yall spend each week and have been trying to get it down to a reasonable amount each week. We plan our meals before we go to the store but somehow we average $15/dinner which seems too high?

  5. yes, that is awfully high. big question- are you serving whole meat portions? because the reality is, if you want a low budget, you can't do that. gone are the days of a chunk of meat accompanied by side dishes. those have to be rare treats. you have to get creative with what you serve and do casseroles, stews, etc. you have to incorporate meat into the main dish, instead of it being the main dish itself. for example: tonight i made white chicken chili. this meal MIGHT cost $15 [it only cost me 7 tonight because i had some things already for it- I would guess it costs around 15]. however, this meal will feed us so many times this week. that 15 dollar meal has fed 10 people before. So it will be our dinner tonight, and lunches for 2-3 days. so it really only cost like 4ish bucks tonight.

    i will email you some recipes asap :)

