Monday, April 25, 2011

life update.

Life is stressful. I feel like I could end the post at that. Life. is. stressful. Amanda is working 50+ hours a week. TJ has 4 projects due + finals. Amanda has AWANA. TJ has Wesley. Bills need to be paid. Friendships need to be maintained. A marriage needs time. Expenses are rising. Feels like we are drowning. How is it possible to live on amanda's salary...but not TJ + Amanda's salary? How does one afford a house? What will Amanda do when TJ moves to Houston? No one seems to be hiring, no one wants a meteorologist. It is an odd feeling. After working for 10+ years to be facing a future without a job...its scary. Saying "The Lord will provide" and then really trusting hard. I know the God we serve is Faithful. Always. On one hand its exciting to watch God show up. Watch Him deliver us from the mediocre life society has for us.

Rotation is nearly here. Two months. No lie...marriage is hard. It. Is. HARD. There are evenings we sit on the couch and stare at each other saying "how in the world do we do this?!" There are so many things that we have no idea how to do. I feel like everything we talk and dream about is being put to the test. Are we willing to trust that the Lord has a plan. And right now, I can honestly say I have no idea what that looks like. Faced with the reality that in 2 months my husband will be gone on an oil rig somewhere and I will be at home by myself. I am blessed to have the family at Living Hope Baptist Church to take care of me. What a phenomenal blessing they are. I am blessed with a great job. The future is scary and unknown. But I guess if we knew what was coming, we wouldn't need God. Please be in prayer for our family. We are facing lots of changes in a very short period of time. It is overwhelming at times.  pray that we will do what Revelation 2:3

says,  " You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary. "

 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, " Jeremiah 29:11-14

Ask us whats going on. Tell us what is going on with you. Please

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wait....two of us live in this house?

45 Hours of work a week
2 tests
1 PETE 400 project
1 Full time senior engineering student
1 Full time employee

Welcome to our lives.

We don't see each other much. But the Lord has blessed us in that we have gotten to spend the weekends together. Typically I don't see TJ Mon-Thur because of work and school but Friday-Sunday I have been able to spend so much time with him. Life has been hectic to say the least but we can tell God is preparing us for rotation which is quickly approaching. TJ graduates in a month, we move in 2 has never moved so quickly. We enjoy the brief quiet time we have together. The biggest blessing is that even though school is ridiculous right now for TJ and work is in the busy season for me, TJ is so excited to start work with BP. He cannot wait to apply all the things he has learned. Watching how excited he is encourages me every day.

We have been talking about buying a house, buying new cars, how life will work post- school. It is incredible what happens when you get paid for working instead of paying TAMU to work. We have different opinions on some things, but God has given me a very vocal husband who has learned to tell me "no". Not always a pleasant sensation but it has been good. Sometimes I skip steps and miss the present looking towards what is coming. In my mind we are buying new furniture for our new house and parking our new car out front. Which means I need to stress about a mortgage and car payments. In my mind we already live here:

Thankfully I have a husband who keeps my feet on the ground.
