Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So, with school back in full swing after spring break i have come to a full appreciation for the time i got to spend with amanda over the break. I had forgotten what it was like to get to see her more than a couple of times of week for a few hours at a time, and so getting to see her everynight over the break was just refreshing. Now that we are back in full swing though it just made me realize how things can quickly get hard when we never see each other and how it becomes infinitely easier to begin focusing completely on myself and not even include her in the picture. And though its not fun I'm glad I realized this because this is just yet another area where I am learning to rely on God to provide because if i were on my own i would mess everything up so incredibly fast. So, point of the story, i am excited to be continuously learning to not try and love Amanda on my own but instead letting God love her through me, and this is just the latest thing He has taught me about that. I am excited for this summer though because even though we will only see each other on the weekends it will be nice that we dont have to worry about school while we are together. Well thats all of my ramblings for now, i hope i made a little bit of sense.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Break :)

With all the tests, papers, engineering projects, forecasts I somehow forgot how delightful my fiance is. He is absolutely hilarious (but don't tell him I think that) He is sweet, generous and a blessing to my life everyday. He takes care of me when I'm sick or upset. I am so thankful that God has placed him in my life. Engaged life is challenging, but it is so beautiful the things God is teaching us everyday. I wish we were married, but at the same time I don't think I would trade one day of our engagement. God has been so faithful to provide for us as we plan for our marriage and I am excited to see how He continues to teach us.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Learning to be a husband

So for the past few weeks I have been in the man class at Living hope, learning to be a biblical man. Last nights topic was fighting for you family and it was such a cool lesson because the first part was about loving your wife. It was cool because some of the things said are things I have already observed with Amanda, like how leading in the way I am called in the bible will make her feel pursued, and that she desperately needs to feel pursued, which is something that I have seen from my experience, and it was cool to see that this is the way God made us to be, not just a unique experience to us. I also learned even more how she does not want me to simply do what she wants but to make decisions, and show leadership and she will like that infinitely more than simply letting her make all the decisions. We also watched this incredibly wise video that helped us gain some incredible wisdom.

So thats about all for today, basically I am just super excited to continue learning to be a better man and husband as we approach our wedding in 297 days :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What a blessing it is when God provides

Looking toward the future, which sometimes seems like time has stopped moving, I am endlessly amazed by the unique ways God provides. As we watch lots of couples "tie the knot" it is easy to feel restless and anxious that our time will never come. But it is so sweet to trust in Jesus. He has provided life abundantly for us here and now. The future is full of uncertainty, but praise the Lord, we are not in control of our future. To us it often sees like God is behind the time table, when in reality He made time and is outside of it. How refreshing. We have been engaged four months, and honestly, what a blessing. We have both learned so much about each other that we never would have learned otherwise. With each new challenge that presents itself it so cool to watch God show up. Lately we have not been able to spend time together, but last night I (amanda) got a phone call it was TJ so I answered and he started acting nervous...I was confused because we were already engaged sooo I didn't understand what the deal was.
" Oh ... um hi. This is TJ"
me: "Hi TJ whats up?"
TJ: "I was ummm wondering if umm you were free on Friday night?"
me realizing he was asking me on  first date " umm ya I get off work at six. What did you want to do?"
TJ: Well, I was thinking that umm maybe we could go to Chilis? If you like Chilis, then maybe go to a movie, or go to U Paint it or umm wander around the mall?"
me: " Oh sure that sounds like fun"
TJ: "Ok well i'll pick you up"

Yes, he was right down the hall when this conversation occurred. And yes, 10 months from the day this phone call we will be married. And yes, this month is our 3.5 year anniversary. What a tremendous blessing he is to my life.
