Thursday, March 11, 2010

Learning to be a husband

So for the past few weeks I have been in the man class at Living hope, learning to be a biblical man. Last nights topic was fighting for you family and it was such a cool lesson because the first part was about loving your wife. It was cool because some of the things said are things I have already observed with Amanda, like how leading in the way I am called in the bible will make her feel pursued, and that she desperately needs to feel pursued, which is something that I have seen from my experience, and it was cool to see that this is the way God made us to be, not just a unique experience to us. I also learned even more how she does not want me to simply do what she wants but to make decisions, and show leadership and she will like that infinitely more than simply letting her make all the decisions. We also watched this incredibly wise video that helped us gain some incredible wisdom.

So thats about all for today, basically I am just super excited to continue learning to be a better man and husband as we approach our wedding in 297 days :)

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