Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So, with school back in full swing after spring break i have come to a full appreciation for the time i got to spend with amanda over the break. I had forgotten what it was like to get to see her more than a couple of times of week for a few hours at a time, and so getting to see her everynight over the break was just refreshing. Now that we are back in full swing though it just made me realize how things can quickly get hard when we never see each other and how it becomes infinitely easier to begin focusing completely on myself and not even include her in the picture. And though its not fun I'm glad I realized this because this is just yet another area where I am learning to rely on God to provide because if i were on my own i would mess everything up so incredibly fast. So, point of the story, i am excited to be continuously learning to not try and love Amanda on my own but instead letting God love her through me, and this is just the latest thing He has taught me about that. I am excited for this summer though because even though we will only see each other on the weekends it will be nice that we dont have to worry about school while we are together. Well thats all of my ramblings for now, i hope i made a little bit of sense.

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