Thursday, May 27, 2010


So for those of you who haven't heard yet, I am in houston for the summer working as a Drilling Engineer Intern for BP. As a first time intern they gave me a rather large project; it's a part of a possibly billion dollar project being planned. So that's a little intimidating, but is exciting too. Being here in Houston is bitter sweet as Amanda is still in college station, and everyday I come home from work makes me realize how much I truely want her to be my wife and I just can't wait until she is and when I come home everyday she will be there. So yea, that's made me miss her just a little bit. Other than that, I played frisbee one night, tore up my knees and made myself incredibly sore, so good game :); I hung out in the biggest house I've ever been in with a friend who lives in Houston. That's about all from my first week but I just wanted to give everyone a brief update and tell Amanda that I love her <3.

Monday, May 24, 2010

It's that time of year again....

Long distance time....TJ starts his new job at BP today :) What an incredible blessing this job is. God once again blows me away with His provision. We could have never dreamed up a job that would provide for us as well as this one. The sad thing is that Amanda is in College Station and TJ is in Houston. Better than last summer when we were 8 hours apart, but still tough. Please keep us in your prayers. Just going through this last year showed us how easily satan can cause division and temptation. Please pray God will comfort both of us as we are apart; that He will protect TJ while in Houston, and that He would give Amanda peace.

Monday, May 17, 2010

I would just like to take this moment...

to brag about my amazingly awesome, ridiculously smart fiance. Who took 18 hours of class/engineering at Texas and got 4 As and 2 Bs. Unheard of! He is basically the smartest guy at A&M. You might think you know someone smarter, nope you don't. By far he has worked harder than any other person at A&M this semester to get these amazing grades. You might be thinking, well Amanda I feel like I worked pretty hard this year...I'm sure you did. But this is my proud fiancee moment. So don't ruin it. Plus my fiance could get better grades than your fiance. ok, i'm done. But everyone should know, that TJ White is the most amazing fiance ever and he is the smartest engineer at A&M. And I can't wait to be his wife. I'm a lucky girl

The end.
