Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So, i just had a brief thought while listening to a breakaway podcast that i wanted to share before leaving to go into the field till thursday. This weekend amanda and I both had moments where we realized what we were giving up in order to get married. We both agreed we still wanted to do it but at times had trouble quantifying why it was worth it other that thats what we knew we wanted. And i heard the reason in a teaching from the Gospel. Readers digest version is, Jesus asks his disciples who they think he is and they say messiah, making a commitment to follow him. He tells them the cost of following and they still do. This is because to truely be devoted to Jesus, or the parallel on Earth, you spouse, there will be sacrifices. But those are considered worth it because by truely making that sacrifice to Jesus/spouse you begin to develop a deeper intimacy with them that before wasnt possible. Jesus shows this by then immediately begining to teach the disciples His truths "plainly". Well in marraige when you make that sacrifice to pursue your spouse, the parallel happens and you begin to know them on a whole new level never before possible. Yet another way husband and wife is a picture of Christ and the church.
I love you amanda.

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