Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Newlywed Adventure

Goodness life is busy. This morning brought a whole new world of adventure. Getting ready for school/work without power. Challenging. Thankfully the Lord is merciful and held off the power outage until i had finished drying my hair. Amazing how the little things impact me. So thankful to TJ's family for buying him this HUGEGINORMOUSGIGANTIC flashlight that I held in the bathroom so he could get ready this morning. Ah yes adventures of the newlyweds.

As posted last time we are trying to reduce expenses, which explains why our heater has not been turned on yet. Don't freak out, don't stop visiting us. We will turn on the heat if you come by :) But instead of the heater we have invested in a little friend we like to call, Kevin.

Meet Kevin Spacey. He is our new best friend. He can take a room at 55° and heat it up to a balmy 65°. TJ bought him for me with some of our wedding gift cards. Best husband EVER! So Kevin sits in our room/bathroom etc making our lives better without the expense of the heater running throughout the whole house. What a life :)

Also, today is our one month anniversary. God has taught us that marriage is hard. It forces you to admit your weaknesses because they are so clearly exposed to your spouse. He has taught us that without Him we can do nothing. Marriage has exposed what a selfish person I am. From silly things like wanting the first shower to not wanting to do laundry, I am selfish. TJ is the most gracious patient man I have ever met. Even this morning I had to apologize for not being Christ like in my "I-Hate-The-Cold" attitude. Yet he forgives me and moves on without ever bringing up the past. What a sweet man.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like you just got married last weekend....... haha we are definitely getting old :) annnnd your blog makes me happy. Kind of make me feel like we're back in the old xanga days... except that we're talking about our MARRIED lives instead of taking a million pictures and walking to buy enough candy for a year at the dollar store.

