Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spring Cleaning

It always takes awhile at the beginning of the semester for time to start moving. By the end of the semester weeks fly by and time passes in the blink of an eye. But at the beginning, time drags on. We are about to hit the halfway point of the semester so finally time is moving. Somehow it is Wednesday already which is great because its a payday Friday and then the weekend :) We are almost to Spring Break, my sweet husband graduates in 9 weeks, we move 4 weeks after that, and he starts work for BP a week after that!! Amazing. God has been so faithful this semester. In church we have been studying Ruth and what a faithful God we serve. This has been so evident in our lives lately. From unexpected tax returns, to petroleum competitions, God has provided abundantly and in every way.

School has begun to pick up for TJ. Long nights in the computer lab while his wife is sound asleep at home :) One of us is very lucky :) He has a huge project due next week so he has been quite busy. But the end is in sight. He is working incredibly hard and will be a fantastic drilling engineer in a few short weeks.

God has been teaching us to simplify our lives. We live on a strict budget so at first I didn't think this was even necessary. Then we started looking for a new place to live. MM....about that. We have a lot of stuff. unnecessary stuff. We were looking at beautiful apartments but kept coming back to the question "But where will all our stuff go?" Shortly after this we realized that God was telling us to simplify. So Sunday after church, TJ went to school and I started getting rid of stuff. At church we were given the opportunity to donate clothes for a mission trip. At Hope group a girl was collecting donations for a garage sale to benefit missions. What a perfect opportunity. So spring cleaning has begun at our house. Shoes, clothes, notebooks, books, paintball sets, lamps....we are simplifying. There are some selfish motives I will admit, having to move in June to a second or third floor unit will seriously motivate you to reduce the volume of junk. We are in a transition right now, financially, physically and spiritually as God continues to refine our views of money and what is important in the world. has become our best friend and the worst punch in the stomach ever as we try and get our spending under control. Thankfully, our grocery bill is finally under control where it should be which has been a tremendous blessing. Now if we could cut out all the quick runs to the store to grab something I am craving. Next on the list is eating healthy....again meaning Amanda can't eat whatever she is craving.

So this is where we are. Cleaning out all the random things we don't use anymore, headed to a simpler life. Happy 2 months of marriage to us!


1 comment:

  1. I've been really meaning to talk to you about the whole eating thing, Amanda... You should really cut back a little.

    You two have the most precious marriage! I love it!

    Sorry for the major creeping, but thank you for shining Christ through your newly married lives. It brought a smile to my face. :)

    love, Elizabeth & Kathleen

