Thursday, February 24, 2011

Male vs Female

So before we got married, I thought TJ and I had so much in common. We love Jesus, like the same food, hobbies (frisbee) we are both math people. Then we got married. And I realized we are very different! We were praying last night and TJ's prayer was very sweet. About 3 minutes but he said everything I was feeling. Then my turn...10 min later TJ is laughing as I'm praying that God will give someone dementia. The point of the prayer was to ask God to help us forget the lies of the world. TJ says "help us forget the lies" Amanda says "and even if you have to give us dementia for awhile so we can forget them, I would be ok with that because I just don't want to remember them anymore" Point of the story, girls use more words than boys. This is our life :)

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