Friday, July 22, 2011


God has us in an interesting places. New jobs, marriage, husband away for 2 weeks at a time. Its a tough season. If anyone knows me they know that my idea of a good time is for nothing to change. But I have read the Bible alot and I have never seen that promised anywhere. I always thought once tests and papers were over, we would have more time. It amazes me that today is Friday again....where did this week go. I've worked 50 hours, TJ has worked nine 12+ hour days in a row. Our lives are crazy. When we talk at night I put the phone on speaker and keep working so it seems like TJ is there and not just on the phone. But through it all we see how God is so faithful. These first two rotations come during the busiest part of my year, so it makes it easier. I come home and collapse, talk to TJ and go to bed. That is about how it would be if he was here. So in a way, these first two rotations have been blessings in that by the time I am done with turn, we will have already done 2 rotations. TJ has already been gone 9 days and will be home in 5 :) Thank goodness!

"He is before all things and in him all things hold together" Col 1:17

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