Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Life at our house

16 Then King David went in and sat before the LORD, and he said:

“Who am I, LORD God, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?

Alot has happened in the past few weeks. TJ has started work. He LOVES BP and the people he works with which is such a blessing. Life has been a little crazy. Alarms start going off about 4:30 and by the time we both get home from work it is almost 7pm. So life has been busy. To be honest, I didn't feel quite ready for life to pick up that quickly, but I guess God never sat me down and asked for my approval on our life. Haha! Sometimes we just get to sit before the Lord and ask how it is the Lord has already brought us this far. What a blessing. I am married to the man of my dreams who passionately loves the Lord and walks with Him daily. That same man of my dreams spends time every day serving me and making sure that all my needs are met. That same man of my dreams drives 3 hours to and from work every single day so that I could be with Living Hope when he leaves on rotation. Be jealous. I married the most selfless man on the planet. And on Tuesday I got the text message I had been dreading. Rotation is starting. TJ leaves early on the 13th and will be back the 27th. How am I doing? umm I cry alot, but then I rememeber the verse above...."who am I that YOU have brough me this far?" Amazing. Don't get me wrong. By no stretch of the imagination am I looking forward to this. This starts a year that will fly by and drag on forever. I cannot even tell you the changes that are coming this year. And I'm sure God has even more than we know. Looking for jobs in Houston, moving to Houston, leaving our family at moves way to fast.

Yesterday, Kristen and I finally legally changed our names. Odd feeling. We didn't like it. Oh, and 3 hours and the DPS didn't help that. Then I went to the bank and they told me they didn't know an Amanda White so they wouldn't talk to me unless TJ signed off that he knew I was his wife. I lost it. I pulled the crazy lady card. "My-husband-works-in-houston-and-is-leaving-in-less-than-a-week" I'm not proud of it, but I did it. Clearly I handle change well.

So please be praying for us. TJ leaves in less than a week, his wife is a mess. Pray for safety while he is gone. Pray for comfort for both of us. Pray our marriage is strengthened during this time. What a blessing it is to sit in the presence of the Lord and know He goes with us. Everywhere we go, He is already there.

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