Monday, October 3, 2011

Hard Times

Maybe we will look back on this year and see why we had to be apart all the time, but maybe we won't. I don't think I am at peace with that fact yet. All I know is it is hard. It is hard to go through half the month without my best friend here. It is hard to maintain a relationship 500 miles apart. It's just hard. I get so lonely without my sweet husband here. I have a HUGE respect for military families. I honestly don't know how you do it.  I'm stuck between not wanting to bother other people by letting me hang out at their house, and not wanting to be alone.

God has proved over and over that this is clearly the path we are supposed to be on, and that it is supposed to be hard. But I don't understand. And maybe I'm not supposed to. Our timing is not God's timing. Our plans apparently are not God's plans. I'm reminded of that as I watch other people in the Body suffering as well. I don't understand it, but I know God is good

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