Monday, February 27, 2012


Well it has been a while since I posted last (so long in fact I had to facebook stalk Amanda to remember the name of this blog to sign in, but shhh don’t tell her) so here is an update on life. So after reaching the half-way point on these rotations, we took a one year anniversary trip to California, and it was awesome. We drank so delicious local wine, and basically just relaxed for a week. Better than the trip though was it marked the start of an extended stay at home. Because of training at work I got to spend almost 10 full weeks in a row at home. While this seems miniscule as I type it, I can assure you, it was fantastic, getting to come home every day and spend every evening and weekend with Amanda, not to mention sleeping in my own bed, and not living out of a suitcase. For just a brief period there, we got to experience what it is like to actually live with your spouse, and after we readjusted to living with another person, it was amazing as we realized that after a year of marriage and 5 years of dating, we are still absolutely best friends. We got to make future life decisions, and catch a glimpse of what the future may hold for us. One of which was that we both separately felt God calling us to go to Haiti in June so we will be going there this summer on mission. Now that I am back to rotating it has also become obvious that God used that time that I was home to take what we had learned on my first 5 hitches and use it to build our relationship stronger, to the point that when I left last week it felt like leaving the first time all over again. Well, that about sums up the past few months of our life, please pray for us as we begin to prepare to go to Haiti and as we finish up this stage where I am gone. I love you Amanda.

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