Thursday, April 12, 2012

Experiencing God

We always say we want to experience God. We want to know Him and walk in a way that represents Him. But every time I say that, I am never ready for what will come next. I guess I should be used to it by now, but I guess stubbornness doesn't help my case. God has been reminding me that He has us where we are for a reason, and that He invites us to join Him where He is working.

I have started as the Operations Specialist for ACH. It has been a whirlwind of a month where we got a phone call I got the job, drove to Houston, found an apartment, and began to plan a move. Trying to schedule a move between 2 week rotations  for BP and 12+ hour work days has been an adventure to say the least. But I am so thankful because I love my job and have really enjoyed getting to meet new people. I would so much rather work long days doing something I love, than 8 hour days being bored.

TJ only has two more rotations until he is done being gone so much. No lie, it is going to be weird living with him. We haven't really done that yet, but I am looking forward to it. The more I learn about him, the more I realize God has a sense of humor in putting the two of us together. Looking back a year ago and seeing how nervous and anxious we were about TJ starting work for BP, again I am reminded of how much God has provided for us. Every time TJ is home I am so thankful for the time together. It has been a learning curve, trying to figure out how to be on our own for two weeks a month and married two weeks a month, but God has grown us so much in this year. I can't really believe that rotations are almost done. I am so excited to start a new phase of life together with him in Houston. Even last night we were noticing how God has gone before us in Houston. A few people from Living Hope live in the area we are moving to and are already plugged into a church and small group, so hopefully that helps us fit in quickly too.

We are going to Haiti in June. Anyone who knows me knows that I hate to travel, expecially when I don't know where we are going, or what conditions will be like when we get there. But God has really shown me that no matter where I go, His heart is broken for those who don't know Him, and if those are God's passions, they need to be mine as well. So, I am pretty much terrified to get on a plane to Haiti, but if that is where God want us to go, then to Haiti it is!

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