Saturday, August 25, 2012


We are officially Houstonians and loving it! We have found such great community at Houston's First Baptist and love the church. TJ has finished all this travelling for work and now stays in Houston most of the time. Our lives have been hectic this summer adjusting to the move plus traveling almost every weekend. We are adjusting to actually living together, something we haven't done very much in a year and a half. Our 2 year anniversary trip is booked and we are going to Antigua!!

Still 5 months away, but may as well get excited now. 

e continue to pray that God gives us community here. We are also praying that God helps us focus on the here and now rather than things that come down the road. It is so easy to get swept up in a new house, new car, kids, dogs.....the "American Dream". We constantly, daily, have to remind ourselves "No change of job, no increased income, no 

new home, no new electronic device, or no new hobby is going to make things better 

inside of you. Only Jesus can - Matt Chandler"

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