Sunday, June 6, 2010

Its been a crazy week

Well what was supposed to be a short work week turned into a crazy, God is totally in control of our lives, week. Needless to say, God has a plan for us and while most of the time we "never saw that one coming" i is amazing how God provides abundantly. After reading the Treasure Principle, we committed to include giving in our monthly budget. Money was very tight and we weren't entirely sure where the money was going to come from. God has so blessed us because we were given a raise!! Amazing! Proof that God rewards those who follow His commandments.
   Like TJ said we have been reading Love and Respect. I have been told all my life how the husband needs to be respected. It is in the Bible everywhere as well "wives submit to your husbands" "and the wife must respect her husband" but I guess I didn't know what that looks like in real life. This book has opened my eyes about how everything I say or do conveys a message of either respect or disrespect. I am really enjoying reading this book because it is showing me every place that I am falling short and how I need God's grace to get it right.
   Not a huge fan of the distance this summer, but its ok because we have both been so busy I don't know if we ever would have seen each other anyway. I start at KBTX this week, bright and early at 5AM....oh goodness the life of a meteorologist.  So I will work 5-9 and KBTX and then 9-6 and Heights/Crossing Place. Plus summer school. Exhausting. I'm just going to focus on the Lord and it will be ok. " Let your eyes look straight ahead fix your gaze directly before you. Makelevel paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the right or the left. Keep your foot from evil" Prov 4: 25-27

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