Friday, June 18, 2010

Only 198 days

Only 198 days until we are married!! Yay!! Thank you Jesus. Time actually is moving! TJ is still enjoying  working at BP, which is good because he still has 8 weeks to go. He finally got paid a petroleum paycheck which is very exciting! Amanda has started her new job at the Heights, which is alot of work, but its a new challenge. She is also working at KBTX in the mornings at 4:30am, which is very early but has been more fun than she has ever had with meteorology. So life has been busy, but the Lord is faithful to keep time moving.
All of the sudden we are 6 months away from getting married, and honeymoons are being booked, the venue, cake, caterer, DJ have all been booked. The dress has been purchased. The photographer is amazing and the bride and groom are so excited.
    Jesus keeps stretching us. Amanda has gotten less patient and TJ has gotten more patient. She keeps learning that God's timing is not hers, and patience is always an area that needs work. The verse "Love is patient" keeps coming back to my mind.
  Dear TJ,
      I love you. I love that you get to go to College Station every weekend. I love that you stand outside my front door smiling with a jar of JIF Reduced Fat Creamy Peanut Butter. I love that you help me do all the wedding planning. I love that you text me " Good morning beautiful" every morning when you wake up. Basically I love your querky, goofy, enginering self.

Essentially, you rock


1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for y'all! Before you know it you'll be changing your blog title to "The Whites" :)

