Monday, February 7, 2011

Life is precious

The events of the past two weeks have really shown me how delicate and precious life is. We have had a friend pass away, a family member in the hospital, and a coworker hit by a drunk driver. The news flashes stories of an infant abandoned in a toilet. We live in a fallen world that needs a Savior. With all the tragedy that has surrounded us lately, it is easy to slip into a state of worry. One that is paralyzed by fear of what is to come to the point that we miss what is already here. After a long talk and much prayer, the Lord has challenged us over and over again to trust Him. To abide in Him. To rely on Him.

Psalm 139:13-14
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.


How thankful I am that my Savior knows me; my failures my strengths, my dreams and passions. He knows my heart and all my misguided energies. He knows how often I lose motivation to spend time in the Word, yet he never gives up on me. He knows that when I fail my husband and lose my temper, that I am still His child and He still loves me. What a tremendous blessing it is to have a Lord and Savior who has endless patience with me.

As Tamanda faces changes on the horizon, graduation, full time employment, rotation, the Lord has proved Himself faithful (as if He needed to...HA!) He continuously places people in our path who can support and encourage us. We have started the marriage class. In the first class, Butch challenged us that as a married couple we should be mentoring unmarried couples and by the end of the class, we should have written our own premarriage class. Oh goodness. Overwhelmed. I tried to hide my wedding ring. TJ informed me that people will still know we are married. He is typically correct so I went back to flashing my new bling.

Needless to say God is stretching us.

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