Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ode to Sally

Meet Sally. For those of you who don't know, she has been a huge part of our lives for the past six years. TJ and I met six years ago at age 16. He was the cool kid who drove a red sportscar with a manual transmission. He picked me up for our first date in this car. This car has seen a lot of life events.
  • Finding out we got into A&M.
  • First date
  • Going off to college.
  • Hours in Kids Kastle talking/falling in love
  • Sitting in WCG talking.
  • Teaching Amanda to drive stick
  • On our wedding day TJ picked me up and we sat in sally talking before the big day.
Life has happened in this car. The biggest story here is that God is faithful. We have relied on this car for six years which is proof that God is faithful. It was very sad to see her go. We cried. But God has provided. He gave us a great deal on a new car. He held Sally together in working order much longer than we could have prayed for.

meet oliver. Oliver will be here for this new phase of life. He has air conditioning, power windows and an auxillary jack. We are spoiled. I was nervous before buying a new car and TJ texted me "Come with me. Lets do life together" Welcome to the family Oliver! We are so thankful God provided. He IS SO FAITHFUL! Signing the paperwork and joining the car payment club was like a punch in the gut, but at the end of the day, God is so faithful.

Oliver White
Born 7/7/2009
Adopted 5/17/2011

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