Sunday, May 29, 2011

The calm before the storm

oh goodness...we move in 5 days. Our house is perfectly neat and organized. The floors are clean and the laundry is...not so done. But other than that life is good. The missing piece of the puzzle...oh ya...we haven't packed yet. At all. Not one thing.

In other news...the door has been stripped and the holes have been filled. All that is left to do is sand the putty and paint! You can clearly see where my priorities have been today. Yesterday we went on an all day date to Houston. I love being in the car with my husband. Ever since we started dating we have spent alot of time in the car talking. Lucky for me, TJ likes talking and driving :)

We have been talking in church about the importance of community. Nothing has seemed more real to me that the need for community as we prepare for TJ to leave on rotation. Two years ago I was given the opportunity to work for an oil company as a meteorologist. But God said no. I have been wondering why God said no, and I have been getting frustrated. Then it hit me. A job with the oil company would have put me in Houston starting soon. Which would be no community at all while my husband was gone. Now, granted we won't be hermits and will make new friends, there is something comforting about the pastor's wife coming up to you and saying " I have room at our house for you when TJ is gone." That is true community. People who are willing to step up to the plate and embrace the rough times we go through and help. The beauty of our family at living Hope is that we trust them to the point that TJ has walked up to people and said "I am leaving, and YOU will take care of my wife." Some of our sweet friends who have been gone for awhile, Landon and Ashley Carl found out Landon had to go do some training for a few months. Landon sat down our HOPE group and told us to take care of his wife and new son. So we did. That is what community looks like.

I was watching TJ at church praying over one of the men in our church family and I was so thankful God has blessed me with such a wonderful, godly man. The Lord has given me a man who loves me enough to tell me no. He loves me enough to leave me for a few weeks at a time to take care of us and provide for us. He humors my odd projects and spends a Sunday afternoon sanding a door in our living room because I decided it was too hot to go outside. So how can you pray for us? Pray that through TJ's rotation period, God would use TJ to win souls. This is a very lost industry. Money attempts to buy happiness for alot of people and we know that Jesus is the only thing that can bring joy. Of all the toys, and upgrades in this life, the greatest joy is to have a new brother or sister come to Christ. So pray for TJ's ministry in the field. Pray for me, that I will be diligent in serving and staying plugged into our church family while TJ is gone. Please pray for this next month as we prepare for him to leave. We. Are. So. Blessed. Over and over again God has provided in ways that we could NEVER have imagined. Praise the Lord!

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