Friday, January 8, 2010

359 days and counting

So we have a date, a location, an officiant, a couple, a few witnesses and a DJ all but booked, so in my mind once the caterer is secured we are done planning :), not sure if amanda would completely agree. But we are finding now that having spent more of our free time over the break planning and talking about wedding stuff, that now that we are done planning for a while we are having to relearn how we were before we started planning. We dont know what to do with free time that we have before school starts. We are going home this weekend and will therefore be confined in a car together for 7 hours this weekend, and though I'm tired of making the drive I am excited to spend the time together because we always have our best conversations in the car. Please keep us in y'alls prayers, that we continue to learn to create a biblical marriage and that we rely on God's strength to work through our own struggles and the traps of the devil we will encounter.
T "head over heels for his fiancee" J  :)

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