Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sweet friendships

I cannot be thankful enough for the wonderful blessings God has given me through my friends. It amazes me how an evening with good friends can completely refresh and encourage me. I am seeing more and more that the attacks from Satan are meant to isolate me. They are meant to make me focus on me and my situation and forget to engage myself with fellow believers. There have been such sweet friendships formed during the fall semester and looking back, it was such a God thing. God placed you wonderful friends into my life to encourage me, build me, and give me courage to face tough decisions. I am so thankful. God designed the body to constantly interact with one another and "do life" together. Seeing my sweet friends multiple times a week (some as much as every day) encourages me. I don't think I fully understood the impact the Body of Christ can have on a person, but hindsight is 20/20 right?

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