Friday, January 8, 2010

Verses for today

Here are some verses that I have been reading today

"..I will live among them and walk among them, and I will be their God and they will be my people. Therefore come out and be separate" 2 Cor 6:16b-17

"Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God." 2 Cor 7:1.
     This second verse is the one that meant alot to me today. Just realizing how many things I do that can contaminate the body and spirit; everything from eating food that is not healthy, to being harsh or rude towards someone. In this world it is hard to remain set apart from the things of the Earth and set apart to God but He calls us to come out and be separate from this world. This means sticking to my committments about working out and being healthy, not only because I want to, but because God calls us to take care of ourselves because our body is the Lord's temple. drat.



  1. Including the pizza we ate last night! This is a contstant struggle for me, and God is still showing me how to guard myself and even walk away from the contaminants of this world.

    I'm so blessed that we are friends, and now blog buddies!

  2. I've been reading in 2 Corinthians too!! What a great reminder :)

