Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Life has gotten a little crazy...

School has started. The madness has begun. In two days I have seen people that have been stretched to what they think is their max capacity. This will be a demanding semester no doubt. Between forecasts, oil logs, work and wesley, this semester will demand a servant's heart from both of us. God is showing us that no matter what kind of day we have had, it is selfish to assume the other person's day was easy. I feel like so often I assume TJ can serve me because he didn't have work all day, but in reality he has been in class ALL day! Seeing this servant's heart is an intimidating thing. Proof that we need Jesus every second of every day. Praise God! In the last two days I feel like we have gotten a huge dose of reality, between the stresses of class, work, really feels overwhelming. We serve a mighty God who is able to help us in immeasureable ways. what a blessing. It is a weird thought, trusting one human to be faithful to you forever and serve you, and doing the same in return.
   This semester, please pray that the Lord will teach us, that He would sustain us, and that in everything our faith, our passion, our hope will be in the LORD, not each other, not things of this world. It is only in His presence that we are strong. Only here are we energized, motivated. Only here can we love each other and do our best. Pray that we would be here in the presence of our Lord everyday, all day.

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