Friday, January 29, 2010

The Treasure Principle

The Treasure Principle

You can’t take it with you–but you can send it on ahead.

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose" Jim Elliot

So I just finished this book last night and it has really revolutionized how I think about giving. The entire premise of this book is that this world is not our home, so why build up these earthly treasures that we can't take with us when we die? I have to admit, this is one of the few books that I have read cover to cover as carefully as possible.
 One of the things Randy Alcorn points out is that we are stewards of all of God's assets. We should  carry no sense of entitlement to any of his assets. It is our job to find out what God wants us to do with HIS assets, and then to carry out his will. Alcorn points out that when the basic needs of life are met, why shouldn't the remainder of our money go to further the Kingdom? This book really made me think about my priorities with money. TJ and I have had alot of really good talks about money since God placed this on our hearts a few weeks ago.

" Money never stays with me. It would burn me if it did. I throw it out of my hands as soon as possible, lest it should find a way into my heart" John Wesley

Here are the major points in the book
T r e a s u r e P r i n c i p l e K e y s

1. God owns everything. I’m His money manager.

We are the managers of the assets God has
entrusted—not given—to us.

2. My heart always goes where I put God’s money.

Watch what happens when you reallocate your money

from temporal things to eternal things.

3. Heaven, not earth, is my home. We are citizens
of “a better country—a heavenly one”(Hebrews 11:16).

4. I should live not for the dot but for the line.

From the dot—our present life on earth—extends a line

that goes on forever, which is eternity in heaven.

5. Giving is the only antidote to materialism.

Giving is a joyful surrender to a greater person and

a greater agenda. It dethrones me and exalts Him.

6. God prospers me not to raise my standard

of living, but to raise my standard of giving.

God gives us more money than we need

so we can give—generously.

"I am not the point. He is the point. He does not exist for me, I exist for Him. God's money has a higher purpose than my affluence. Giving affirms Christ's lordship. It dethrones me and exalts Him. I recognize God as owner, myself as servant, and OTHERS as intended beneficiaries of what God has entrusted to me"

Read it. It is 94 pages. You have time for that. It has had a huge impact on my life

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