Wednesday, January 13, 2010

a penny for my thoughts

So I Just had a couple of thoughts that I wanted to share.
So I cleaned my room today, and not just one of those weak, just pick up the floor cleans. This is probably the cleanest my room has been since i moved in. Well anyways, point of the story, while cleaning i kept coming across all of the little cards, and notes and pictures that amanda has given me over the last 4+ years i have known her and have kept every one of them. Well i needed a place to put them so i decided to make an amanda box where i now keep anything she has given me. Well going through it today took me back through so many great memories and i think itsx kinda funny and cool that now i have, the best 4 years of my life in a 4x6x10 box on the top shelf of my desk :)

Second is somethin i realized talking to amanda last night. We had one of our trademark long conversations last night, discussing what marriage would look like and how we wanted to build ours and how to do that in a way that was biblical and honoring to God. Well afterwards amanda texted me saying, "And when we work through things i enjoy being with you." and that got me thinking. Satan tries to get Godly relationships to end most often by causing worldly stresses so that the individuals are tricked into believing that they just dont have enough time or energy left at the end of the day (or at any point during) to invest in loving each other biblically. And this statement amanda made, helped me realize how yet again God knew what he was talking about, and that when you sacrifice your own "comfort" and love your partner with Gods strength and Love regardless of how you feel, it leaves you feeling refreshed and just enjoying spending time with that person that previously may have been annoying you simply being there. So those are my thoughts, i'll post more brilliant wisdom later :)

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